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GPS 위도, 경도 위치 간 거리 계산 본문

C, C++, MFC

GPS 위도, 경도 위치 간 거리 계산

수동애비 2023. 4. 6. 14:05

geodatasource 에서 제공하는 오픈소스를 이용해서 두 지점간의 거리를 쉽게 계산 가능.


거리 = distance(지점1의 위도, 지점1의 경도, 지점2의 위도, 지점2의 경도, 거리 단위);

  거리 단위 : 'M' = 마일, 'K' = 킬로미터, 'N' = 해리

/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  This routine calculates the distance between two points (given the     :*/
/*::  latitude/longitude of those points). It is being used to calculate     :*/
/*::  the distance between two locations using GeoDataSource(TM) products.   :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  Definitions:                                                           :*/
/*::    South latitudes are negative, east longitudes are positive           :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  Passed to function:                                                    :*/
/*::    lat1, lon1 = Latitude and Longitude of point 1 (in decimal degrees)  :*/
/*::    lat2, lon2 = Latitude and Longitude of point 2 (in decimal degrees)  :*/
/*::    unit = the unit you desire for results                               :*/
/*::           where: 'M' is statute miles (default)                         :*/
/*::                  'K' is kilometers                                      :*/
/*::                  'N' is nautical miles                                  :*/
/*::  Worldwide cities and other features databases with latitude longitude  :*/
/*::  are available at https://www.geodatasource.com                         :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  For enquiries, please contact sales@geodatasource.com                  :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  Official Web site: https://www.geodatasource.com                       :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::           GeoDataSource.com (C) All Rights Reserved 2022                :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/

#include <math.h>

#define pi 3.14159265358979323846

/*::  Function prototypes                                           :*/
double deg2rad(double);
double rad2deg(double);

double distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, char unit) {
  double theta, dist;
  if ((lat1 == lat2) && (lon1 == lon2)) {
    return 0;
  else {
    theta = lon1 - lon2;
    dist = sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * sin(deg2rad(lat2)) + cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * cos(deg2rad(theta));
    dist = acos(dist);
    dist = rad2deg(dist);
    dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    switch(unit) {
      case 'M':
      case 'K':
        dist = dist * 1.609344;
      case 'N':
        dist = dist * 0.8684;
    return (dist);

/*::  This function converts decimal degrees to radians             :*/
double deg2rad(double deg) {
  return (deg * pi / 180);

/*::  This function converts radians to decimal degrees             :*/
double rad2deg(double rad) {
  return (rad * 180 / pi);

